We are so excited that you are interested in booking your Appointment in our DIY Paw Spaw... Here are the the rules so make sure you know what you are agreeing to.... By booking your appointment you agree that you have read and understand the following :

1. This is a DIY Paw Spaw so you will be washing your own Furbaby.

2. Your Furbabies are up to date on all their vaccines and do not currently have any communicable disease.

3. Your Furbabaies are not agressive

4. You will be responsible for any damage caused by your Furbabies to property, people, and/or other animals.

5. you will always maintain control and custody of your Furbabies. Our staff is not allowed to wash or assist in holding your animal. 

since you have read and agree  Please Book your appointment Below: 

'Lil Dirty Dawg

1 FurBaby 60 lbs and under

-Up to 45 Min Use of Room
-Premium Shampoos and Fragrances
-Towels/Turbo Dryer
-Nail Clippers

